Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Rachio plus Nexia Home Intelligence

Rachio is pleased to announce that we are now integrated with Nexia Home Intelligence, a brand of Ingersoll Rand.
“Homeowners should be able to manage their water consumption as easily as they control their television,” said Brian Ewing, Rachio sales and marketing. "By partnering with Nexia, our marketplace has expanded considerably and with water conservation an expanding issue, we can help consumers protect one of our most precious resources while helping them to maintain their beautiful landscape.”
This exciting integration allows Nexia users to use all the benefits of Rachio's intelligent irrigation controller through Nexia Automations.
“As we constantly expand Nexia’s capabilities, our support of Iro as a Nexia-certified device gives our users more ways to save money and keep their home running at its most efficient,” said George Land, head of Nexia™ Home Intelligence. “We already provide users more ways than ever to monitor and control their home from anywhere in the world – and now we’re extending that reliability and flexibility out into the yard.”
For Nexia users, you can connect a Rachio Iro to your system through MyNexia.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Rachio 2.1 Released With Soil Moisture Graph

Just released: the Rachio app version 2.1 for both iOS and Android.

Check your respective stores to download.

What's new?

With the 2.1 release, we have added the ability to view moisture levels by zone, as well as to view a graph of moisture levels over time. It's really awesome. This mirrors what exists currently in the Web App.

For example, when you select a zone, it will tell you the current moisture level.

If you click the moisture level, you can see a visualization of the moisture level over time.

Click on one of the points, and it will tell you the exact moisture balance for that day, plus whether it ran a schedule.

We hope you like it! If you have any feedback, please let us know in our community forum.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Water Story: Travis Johnson

Travis Johnson
Montara, CA
Rachio user since June 2015

We discovered Travis's amazing setup after he posted about it on the Rachio community site. To view his fantastic post, please check it out there.

Q. What led you to purchase your Rachio Iro?
A. I was starting a new landscaping project from scratch and wanted a cutting edge system to control it. I have a lot of home automation in place and love anything "smart home" related. After extensive research, it was clear the Iro was the best choice. Rachio is an agile, rapid iteration company that takes user feedback seriously. In some cases, a customer requests a feature and you'll see it live a few days later. That's the type of company I love to support.

Q. How has the Iro changed your lawn/ landscape?
A. Since this was a brand new irrigation install, I can't say how it has changed my landscape. What it has done though is bring a level of control and intelligence to watering we desperately need in drought conditions. Being located in California, it's more important than ever to only water as much as is needed. Not to mention, reckless watering is likely to get the neighbors grabbing their pitch forks these days.

Q. Where is the best place you have controlled your Iro from?
A. I was sitting in my office, showing off the setup to some co-workers. There's a security camera in my garage that can see some of my shrubs when the door is open. Naturally, I remotely opened the door, turned on the camera and fired up the zone using the Android app, all from my desk. Within a few seconds, we were watching the water sputter out of the bubblers. What a great age we live in.

Q. What is your favorite feature of the Rachio app or webapp?
A. Personal weather station support. I actually installed my own weather station just to serve the Iro. Living on the Northern California Coast means a lot of microclimates which have a significant effect on your landscape. The ability to send my own, localized data to Rachio means I'm using not just accurate rainfall data, but also temperature as well.

Q. How has owning an Iro enhanced your understanding of your water use?
A. I've never paid this much attention to irrigation. The Iro makes something traditionally mundane into something fun. Just turning on a zone for 30 minutes a week seems archaic now. The future is all about local weather, soil conditions and making smart, automatic decisions based on a wealth of data.

Q. Do you have any other stories about the Rachio Iro you'd like to share?
A. Not since the Nest have I seen a slicker hardware installation or been so impressed with the thought put into how it was built. The community of Iro users is great, the product is always evolving for the better and is a must-have for anyone serious about doing irrigation the right way.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Cash in on Conservation

Rachio was created to help you save water. We’ve solved the problem of watering your lawn when it’s raining, and we do so much more these days. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: over 50% of your home water use is outside of the home, so optimizing your irrigation system can add up quickly in the savings department.

That’s why we just released Flex Schedules™. Our watering technology applies only what your landscape needs, keeping your plants happy while reducing your water use 30% on average.

Our friends over at MeterHero are sending checks out every month to people who have reduced their energy, natural gas, and water usage. Paying for conservation isn’t a new idea (EPA WaterSense rebates), but efforts like these are vital to bring awareness to home resource usage and to eliminate waste.

We can’t do it alone, so when we found out you can get paid for saving water we jumped on board! This August Rachio is sponsoring MeterHero rebates to incent even greater water savings.

Start building out your home water savings plan today and cash in on your conservation with MeterHero.