Friday, September 25, 2015

Water and Sewage Costs Projected To Rise Significantly

An article by Professor Janice Beecher of the Michigan State University's Institute of Public Utilities recently caught our eye. In this article, Professor Beecher compiled data available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics about the costs over time associated with utilities, like electricity, natural gas, and water/sewage services. This is publicly available data, which by itself is fascinating to review, but it is particularly relevant for those interested in the price of water.

The graph says it all.

As you can see from the image below, water & sewer costs are projected to rise significantly over the next five years. Since 1983, average water & sewer costs have risen 4.5x, and are projected to be 6.4x by 2020. Furthermore, this is far, far greater than the expected increase in other utilities, or general inflation itself. The 10 year average (2004-2014) of annual change in CPI for water & sewer is roughly the same as college tuition, and we all know how fast college tuition is rising.

Water as a natural resource is something we all know is very valuable. However, water has generally been priced very low. According to this data, that is changing rapidly.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Rachio Recycles!

Rachio has partnered with BlueStarRecyclers, a local electronics recycling firm based here in Denver, to offer recycling of your old controller. Rachio will cover the cost of recycling.

Just send your old controller to us, and we’ll handle the rest. Please send your old controller to us at the following address:

Attn: Controller Recycling
2040 Larimer St
Denver, CO 80205

While we are passionate about saving water, we are also passionate about the environment, and we would like to avoid producing waste when you upgrade your existing controller. It’s the Rachio thing to do.

We are thrilled to be able to work with BlueStarRecyclers for many reasons:
  • They are a local recycler, cutting down on shipping costs.
  • They are an e-Stewards certified electronics recycler.
  • They are a 501c3 Social Enterprise, focused on creating local jobs for people with disAbilities.
If you’d like to learn more about the awesome work BlueStarRecyclers does, please check them out. They've got a great Facebook page as well.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Rachio plus Muzzley

Rachio is pleased to announce our newest integration with Muzzley.

Muzzley is an app that gathers all of your connected devices and puts them to work together in an intuitive way. The app allows connected devices of different brands to communicate with and respond to each other.

Muzzley is available on iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

Welcome Muzzley to the Rachio integrations family!