We installed our first hand-assembled Iro at my house in early May and I thought I’d share what we’ve learned over the last 60 days.
Water was Saved
Yes, Iro does help save a lot of water! I've been pretty conservative when it comes to watering my landscape over the past few years, so I'll admit I was quite surprised when I looked at my usage numbers year-over-year.
I saw a huge 8,000 gallon savings in May and another 6,000 gallons saved in June. Here in Denver that saved me a little over $50 in that two month span.
Accessibility is Empowering
A big reason for the major water savings is due to the accessibility of scheduling and system tweaking all from the palm of my hand.
Spring Maintenance
It was easy to perform an early spring tuneup because I was no longer running back and forth to the irrigation controller to turn zones on and off. I found it way easier to inspect and tweak nozzles because I could simply turn them on and off with my phone. It's funny how something that simple is so empowering.
"...a lot of times it's actually good to water when it rains."
We're in the learning stage of our smart scheduling algorithm, so we've been doing a lot of manual adjusting of watering schedules. I found myself watching weather patterns specific to my neighborhood and adjusting my schedule accordingly. Here's something really interesting we learned: a lot of times it's actually good to water when it rains. Let me clarify.
Here in Denver we often get a quick sprinkle or torrential downpour that lasts for just a few minutes. Because of our clay soils, most of the time very little of this rain water is absorbed by our landscape. Good watering practice here in Denver is to
cycle soak. That is, if you're going to water a zone for 15 minutes, break those 15 minutes up into three separate 5 minute cycles.
So, taking this into account, we found that treating our quick rains as one of those 5 minute cycles and then watering shortly after proved to be productive. We were able to take advantage of the rain loosening the soil up and cut our water usage for that given watering day by a third.
Zone Specifics
I started really paying attention to zone specifics like shade and soil type. I realized just how much those two attributes of a zone can drastically impact the amount of water you'll want to use. We talked about what clay soil means for us and the benefit to cycle soak above. Shade is also huge.
I found that certain zones in my landscape have a good amount of shade and can go 10 days or so without watering and still be healthy. We validated that all zones shouldn't be treated the same and that if we have a way to easily adjust for zone specifics, we can still have really healthy landscapes while using a lot less water.
So there you have it, 60 days with Iro and 14,000 gallons saved, a finely tuned system and a new engagement with my landscape that has made this spring enlightening and a lot of fun.